This page has everything you need to get up and running with LATTICEEASY, divided into convenient sections. Specifically, the sections are the source code (which is technically the only thing you need to use LATTICEEASY), model files, documentation, and Mathematica notebooks that you can use to plot the LATTICEEASY output.

Some of the files here are in the form of tar archives and/or gzipped files. Tar is a utility for packing a group of directories and/or files into a single archive. Gzip is a compression utility for reducing file sizes. In UNIX you can unzip and unpack the files with the commands

gunzip latticeeasy2.1.tar.gz
tar -xvf latticeeasy2.1.tar

In other operating systems you will need a utility such as WinZip capable of unpacking gzipped and tarred files. In case you don't have access to a gunzip utility all the files are also available uncompressed, but you will still need to be able to extract them from the tar archives.

Please report any problems with downloading or unpacking the software to Gary Felder at

The Source Code

The file latticeeasy2.1.tar contains all the source code for LATTICEEASY. This file is all you need to use LATTICEEASY. For details on the files and their use see the LATTICEEASY documentation.

Compressed: latticeeasy2.1.tar.gz (28k)
Uncompressed: latticeeasy2.1.tar (120k)

The file clustereasy.tar contains all the source code for CLUSTEREASY, the parallel version of LATTICEEASY.

Compressed: clustereasy.tar.gz (39k)
Uncompressed: clustereasy.tar (170k)

Notes on Versions
Version 2.0 represented a large change from version 1.0 in that it allowed the user to do runs in one and two dimensions in addition to three dimensional runs. Version 2.1 by contrast involves very minor modifications relative to version 2.0, mostly small bug fixes and simplifications of the code, none of which will be noticed by most users. For a detailed list of the changes from version 2.0 to 2.1 you can look at our versions page. If you want the previous versions you can still download LATTICEEASY1.1 or LATTICEEASY2.0.

Model Files

In order to run LATTICEEASY you need to have a file called "model.h" that implements a particular model. The "model.h" file that comes with the LATTICEEASY distribution is for the TWOFLDLAMBDA model described in the documentation. In addition to this you are welcome to download any of the model files we have developed over the years. For an index of these model files go to our models directory. This directory includes the individual model files as well as a document called "models" in which all of the equations in all of these files are derived. This document is available in LaTeX or postscript form. Finally, the directory includes a tar directory (both compressed and uncompressed) with all of the model files and the "models" document. This directory is not always up to date, so if you would like a model file from any of our research that is not included here feel free to contact us.


The LATTICEEASY documentation is available in HTML, but you can also download a PDF version here: latticeeasydocs.pdf (386k)

Mathematica Notebooks for Plotting Output

The output of LATTICEEASY is mostly in the form of ASCII files with columns of data. The details of these files are described in the LATTICEEASY documentation. They are designed to be easy to read and display using any plotting software. For convenience, however, we are making available the Mathematica notebooks that one of us (G.F.) uses for this purpose. Feel free to use them and modify them as you like. If you develop a similar suite of files for plotting LATTICEEASY output with a different program please let us know so we can add a link to them as well. *Note* As of October 2017 these notebooks have been updated to be compatible with Mathematica Version 11.

Compressed: notebooks.tar.gz (5 MB)
Uncompressed: notebooks.tar (10 MB)

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