For real arrays there is a subtlety in the arrangement of the
output. Of course a real function is just a special case of a complex
function and you could always take the Fourier transform of an array
of real numbers by putting it in an array twice as big with every
other component set to and then submitting it to fftc1 or
fftcn. This method is obviously quite wasteful. The point of a Fourier
transform routine for real data is to take advantage of the fact that
N independent input points only produce N independent output points,
so even though the result
consists of complex numbers they can
all be stored in the original array. The reason this can be done is
because the Fourier transform of a real set of data obeys the symmetry
, so it's redundant to store the negative frequency
output. You still need the values
but these are
both real so they only take up half as much storage as the other
frequencies. The net result is that
real inputs produce
outputs in the form of
complex numbers and two real ones.
For fftr1 this makes the output scheme very simple. The first two
numbers in the output array are the real values and
. The rest of the values contain alternate real and imaginary
parts for
For fftrn the story becomes more complicated. If I let
stand for the momentum in the last dimension of the array then I don't
need to output any negative values of
; they can all be
recovered by symmetry. On the other hand the values at
are in general no longer real. It is still true
that the number of independent outputs equals the number of inputs,
but there is no obvious scheme for packing all of the outputs into the
original array. Rather than coming up with a complicated scheme that
would make it difficult to find different frequency components I
simply let the entire plane of values
be represented in
the original array and store all the values with
in a
separate array
. Thus if you look for the values
you will find them both in
the output and they will be complex conjugates of each other.
So after all is said and done the output of fftrn is arranged with the
last dimension going up from to
and all the others
wrapping around as described for the complex routines above. The
values with
are stored in the array
If you have generated an array using fftr1 or fftrn then you can
simply give that array back to the same function to do an inverse
transform and recover your original data. If, however, you want to
generate data in frequency space and then transform it to position
space you have to be careful to ensure that your input obeys the
symmetry . For fftr1 this simply means generating
real numbers for
and putting them in the first two
slots of the array and then filling all the subsequent slots with
complex numbers. For fftrn, however, you have to make sure that for
all the values with
(the first plane of values in your
lattice) this symmetry is obeyed. You then have to fill fnyquist with
the values with
, obeying the same symmetry conditions.