The structure of fftrn is almost identical to fftr1 and the basic
equations used are the same. The key difference comes from the fact
that in more than one dimension the element can no longer
simply be found at the location
. Rather the index must be
reversed from
separately for each dimension. Likewise in
the one-dimensional case
only needed to include non-negative
value of
whereas in this case that is true only in the last
This indexing is particularly tricky since fftrn treats the data as a
one-dimensional array. (There is no practical way to treat the data as
a multi-dimensional array without knowing in advance how many
dimensions are going to be used.) Fortunately there is a simple
solution to this problem. The function fftrn defines an array called
that keeps track of the separate indices in all the
dimensions. At the bottom of the main loop these indices are
incremented, advancing the last one until it reaches its maximum and
then starting it over and incrementing the next to last one, and so
on. At the top of the main loop is a call to the function find_index,
which finds the one-dimensional array index that corresponds to these
different multi-dimensional indices. More importantly, the function
find_index also finds the one-dimensional index corresponding to the
negative of the frequencies indicated by
. From there the
implementation is almost identical to fftr1. The inner loop runs over
the last dimension and applies the exact same formulas as fftr1 to
, the desired transform, from
, the output of fftcn. I
leave it as an exercise for the reader to show that these formulas are
still valid provided the frequencies in all but the last dimension are
replaced by their corresponding negative frequencies as shown.
The and
(Nyquist) frequencies present a problem. In one
dimension these both had to be real because
. In
multiple dimensions, however, it is no longer true that all values of
for which the last index are
are real. To illustrate
what I mean let me use
to indicate the frequency in the last
dimension and
to indicate the frequency components in all other
dimensions. Now the symmetry is simply
. This
means that applying equation [16] to the case
will no longer yield a real number as it did in the one-dimensional
case and so
can no longer be packaged with
into one
complex array index. So fftrn takes as input an array
it uses for the values
and uses both the real and imaginary
parts of the first elements of the array
. In practice
this means that the output is redundant because it will contain
, which are complex conjugates of each other
(and likewise for
As with fftr1 the algebra for the inverse transform turns out to be virtually identical to the forward case, and once again I leave the details to the reader to verify. Note that it is up to the user to make sure that the symmetries noted above are obeyed by the input to the inverse transform. In section [4.3] I provide sample code for generating data with all the correct symmetries in three dimensions. You can simply cut and paste this sample code into your own program and substitute whatever function you want to generate in frequency space.